

This plugin allows you to create dynamic, controllable slideshows or presentations for your website.

Simply define a block of HTML to be a slideshow or presentation. You can use any tags like <p>, <img>, <div> etc.

Wordpress plugin is available: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/a-slideshow/

Requried: Test with following browsers: Go to:

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Include JavaScript library jQuery and (a)Slideshow plugin (with style):
<link href="/js/jquery.aslideshow/simple/styles.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js?ver=1.9"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.aslideshow.js"></script>
Create any content:
<div id="MySlideshow">
    <p>Some text... on slide one</p>
    <img src="docs/img/image_0.jpg" alt="It's slide number two"/>
    <img src="docs/img/image_1.jpg" alt="It's slide number three"/>
    <p><label>Title</label>Some text... on slide four</p>
    <a href="docs/img/image_2.jpg">It's slide number five</a>
    <a href="example/info.html">It's slide number six</a>
    <a href="http://domain.com/example/info.html">It's slide number seven</a>
Initialize slideshow:
<script type="text/javascript">

Some text... on slide one

It's slide number two It's slide number three

Some text... on slide four

It's slide number five It's slide number six, again It's slide number seven


Public methods of slideshow



Frame Title:
Configuration options:
<script type="text/javascript">
        width:320,      // width in px
        height:240,     // height in px
        index:0,        // start from frame number N
        time:3000,      // time out beetwen slides
		history:false,  // change/check location hash 
        title:true,     // show title
        titleShow:false,// always show title
        panel:true,     // show controls panel
        play:false,     // play slideshow
        loop:true,      // looping
        effect:'fade',  // aviable fade, scrollUp/Down/Left/Right, zoom, zoomFade, growX, growY
        effectTime:1000,// aviable fast,slow,normal and any valid fx speed value
        filter:true,    // remove <br/>, empty <div>, <p> and other stuff
        nextClick:false,      // bind content click next slide
        playClick:false,      // bind content click play/stop
        playHover:false,      // bind content hover play/stop
        playHoverr:false,     // bind content hover stop/play (reverse of playhover)
        playFrame:true,       // show frame "Play Now!"
        loadFrame:true,       // show frame with "loading"
        fullScreen:false,     // in full window size
        imageResize:false,      // resize image to slideshow window
        imageZoom:true,         // zoom image to slideshow window (for smaller side)
        imageCenter:true,       // set image to center
        imageAjax:true,         // load images from links
        imageLink:true,         // go to external link by click
        linkAjax:false,       // load html from links
        help:'Plugin homepage: <a href="http://slideshow.hohli.com">(a)Slideshow</a><br/>'+
             'Author homepage: <a href="http://anton.shevchuk.name">Anton Shevchuk</a>',

        controls :{         // show/hide controls elements
            'hide':true,    // show controls bar on mouse hover
            'first':true,   // goto first frame
            'prev':true,    // goto previouse frame (if it first go to last)
            'play':true,    // play slideshow
            'next':true,    // goto next frame (if it last go to first)
            'last':true,    // goto last frame
            'help':true,    // show help message
            'counter':true  // show slide counter




Images in slideshow under CC License. See more on http://photo.hohli.com

Author Homepage: http://anton.shevchuk.name